Peptide Therapy

Short chain amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. They are involved in almost every function in the human body, from cell communication to metabolism


Semax is a melanocortin & has pleiotropic effects involved in brain health & function. Semax by itself has traditionally been prescribed for anxiety & depression. Semax has pronounced anxiolytic activity and acts as a stable neuropsychotropic, antidepressant, & anti-stress medication. It has also been suggested in literature that due to its effect on carboxypeptidase it may also increase physical performance & adaptation capacities in exposure to high intensity exercise.

How Does Semax Work?

Excited manSemax act as a Melanocortin Stimulating Hormone-like peptide within the brain to initiate wide ranging effects related to brain activity and fitness. Semax has been prescribed for anxiety, memory improvement, ischemic events, stroke, nerve regeneration, ADHD, opioid withdrawal, & even chronic diseases such as ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s.

Who should use Semax?

The Semax combination works for patients that are interested in improving mental clarity, memory, & focus and has applications in alleviating anxiety & depression.  rehabilitation, this medication has shown therapeutic agency with individuals suffering from PTSD and/or substance dependence withdrawal. This medication should not be used by pregnant or nursing patients or individuals under the age of 18.


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