Hormone Optimization

Hormone therapy involves using bioidentical hormones to replace the body’s natural hormones.

Hormone Optimization

Hormone therapy involves using bioidentical hormones to replace the body’s natural hormones. The goal of hormone therapy is to promote overall wellness by restoring the balance of hormones in the body, such as testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Hormone therapy can help with the symptoms of menopause, sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis, and more.

Hormone levels in both men and women must be well balanced to achieve optimal health benefits and comfort. Bergen Total Health improves quality of life for men and women with hormone replacement therapy.

What Kind of Hormone Deficiencies Do Men Face?

Hormones are typically associated with women and menopause; however, men are also greatly affected by their hormones levels. Both men and women who struggle with hormone deficiencies find themselves riddled with unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and poor concentration and low sex drive. Hormone levels in both men and women must be well balanced to achieve optimal health benefits. Bergen Total Health provides men and women hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical hormone treatments. Without a doubt, the boost in bioidentical hormones patients will get from our team will make a profound impact on their lives

What Kind of Hormone Deficiencies Do Women Face?

Hormone imbalances are most commonly associated with the side effects women experience during menopause; however many women who are not going through menopause can struggle with hormonal imbalance as well. Fatigue, weight gain, poor concentration and low sex drive are all side effects of a hormonal imbalance that negatively impact the quality of life for women. The hormone doctors at Bergen Total Health use bioidentical hormone therapy to provide women a safe and effective hormone replacement therapy.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Treatments

Progesterone is known mainly for its effect on the uterus in conventional medicine.  However, progesterone receptors are located in various areas of the body beyond the uterus. Progesterone can be involved with promoting bone health, reducing hot flashes and may also be of benefit with depression and mood. There is a large concentration of progesterone receptors in the limbic area of the brain, which is the area of the brain responsible for emotions.

Progesterone can have a calming effect in the brain as described by its action on GABA receptors and therefore when there is low progesterone compared to estrogen, the result may be varying levels of anxiety or mood disorders. This estradiol-progesterone ratio may help explain progesterone’s place with mood disorders. In some female patients with a deficiency of progesterone may be present in patients with anxiety patterns.  Indicating that some patients with high estrogen levels and low progesterone levels experienced rage, followed by self-defeating demeanor

Estrogen Deficiency

Estrogen has a close relationship with the brain and can affect the chemical messengers of the nervous system. As estrogen levels decline, regulation of serotonin and norepinephrine may change which may contribute to depression. Many women who have experienced depression can validate that depression is often linked to times of fluctuating hormones. Estrogen levels can affect mood and estrogen plays a role in a woman’s emotional well-being. It is important in regulating mood because it works everywhere in the body, including the area of the brain that controls emotion. Sometimes too much estrogen can symptoms (estrogen dominance) sometimes too little estrogen is the culprit.

Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone is a hormone that is secreted in the adrenal glands and testes of men. Men rely on this hormone to help development of muscle mass, strength, endurance and to decrease fat. Testosterone provides protection against cardiovascular disease, hypertension, body fat and arthritic. Deficient testosterone levels may lead to decreased muscle mass, loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depression and an overall lower sense of well-being. The Testosterone clinicians at Bergen Total Health have provided men with testosterone replacement therapy and have drastically improved the quality of their lives.

Thyroid Deficiency

Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating body temperature, metabolism and brain function. These are metabolic hormones that affect almost every cell in the human body. Thyroid has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for lowering cholesterol

DHEA Deficiency

DHEA is precursor to other sex hormones. It is secreted by the adrenal glands and works to improve the function of the immune system and brain function. This hormone is also used as a potent anti-cancer supplement. DHEA been shown to increase energy, reduce visceral fat and decrease cholesterol levels. In recent studies, DHEA has even been used as an anti-stress hormone that helps fight the effects stress can have on a person’s immune system.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Contrary what the name suggests, Vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin. People who experience regular sun exposure can have deficient levels of Vitamin D. When Vitamin D is optimized, this hormone provides protection against bone loss, osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

Melatonin Deficiency

Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland and is directly correlated with sleeping patterns. According to research, cell repair and rejuvenation occurs during the deeper stages of a person’s sleep cycle. Melatonin increases these deep stages of sleep, which enhances the body’s immunity. Melatonin also works as a powerful antioxidant with preventative qualities for diseases like cancer, heart disease, ulcers, and Alzheimer’s. People who have deficient melatonin levels may experience poor sleep, irritability, hypersensitivity, and premature aging.
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